This week I'm showing you the different covers of The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E. Pearson, a brilliant book that I read a while ago, actually, and I completely loved it. If your library has it, you should absolutely check it out! Have no doubts about this, I've recommended it to a bunch of my friends and they loved it too. So here's the normal, US cover:

Well, that's it for this week. Just one international cover, but...isn't it one seriously amazing international cover? :)
OH!! AND A MAJOR UPDATE!!! I was thrilled and super excited to log into my computer this morning and find that I now have 50 FOLLOWERS!!! Thank you guys so much for getting me to that number and I really appreciate all of you! I'll announce the 50 followers book that will be added to my Summer Contest tomorrow in my In My Mailbox post...and yes, I'll be doing a vlog :)

Hi, Alice! You asked about my cover for DEAD RULES some days ago.
I just received a preview of the coverart. Why don't you shoot me an email:
and I'll send it along to you as part of a "market test"? Want to help?
It can't go up on the web yet, but I'd love to know what it makes you think the book might be about. Rigt now I can only make it available to a few individuals in a small format, but I think you'll get a clear idea what the book will look like once it's jacketed.
Ohh, I agree about the covers. I've never actually picked up The Adoration of Jenna Fox because the premise didn't appeal to me very much, but I like looking at the cover... haha. :D
I am stopping by from the Saturday Network, Congrats on 50 followers =D
Keep it up!
I love the UK cover too, it kind of reflects the book. Jenna putting the pieces of her life back together, just like a puzzle. Very ingenius.
Congrats on reaching 50 followers! I have an award for you on my blog.
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