You all know it by now -- In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Krisi of The Story Siren, inspired by Alea of Pop Culture Junkie.
I ACTUALLY GOT A BOOK IN THE MAIL THIS WEEK!! I recently won a contest over at The Undercover Book Lover for a copy of My Invisible Boyfriend by Susie Day. It came in the mail on Wednesday, and it's SIGNED. Which makes it my first author-signed book! I'm so happy about that! Lookie!!
I can't wait to start it :)
I also bought three books on my Sony eReader:
Sisters in Sanity - Gayle Forman
Good Girls - Laura Ruby
Wolves, Boys, and Other Things That Might Kill Me - Kristen Chandler
So that's what I got in my mailbox this week. Let me know what you got in yours!
P.S. I currently have a little poll on the sidebar there, and I would really appreciate you guys answering it! I think so far, vlogs are kind of winning (at least, they are if you're counting the way I am) and if it keeps winning for the rest of the week, I'll do a vlog for my IMM post next week, okay? :)
Oh, and as you can see, my blog got a bit of a makeover :) I wasn't completely happy with the way it was before, but now it's exactly the way I want it to be and I'm so glad about that. Thanks to Blogger Design Templates! XD
So you guys mind telling me what you think of the new layout?

Looks like some really good books! happy reading :)
Your new layout looks really good :) Enjoy your book!!Will wait for your review of it
Thanks! :)
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