Happy Tuesday, everybody! So Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Wanna participate? Here's how it works:
- Grab your current read
- Turn to a random page
- Share a few 'teaser' sentences from that page (NON-spoilery, please!)
- Don't forget to list the title and author of your book so other people can add the book to their TBR lists if they like your teasers!

Right now I'm reading Dead Until Dark by Charlaine Harris, whi
ch is the first book in the Sookie Stackhouse series! I'm not that far in, but I'm loving it. Here are my teasers:
"'I'm going to pick you up,' Bill said. He sounded calm.
'I'll die if you do,' I whispered.
He looked over me carefully. 'Not just yet,' he said, after this evaluation. Oddly enough, this made me feel better; no telling how many injuries he'd seen in his lifetime, I figured."
Page 28, Dead Until Dark - Charlaine Harris
Comment below with your teasers if you participated in Teaser Tuesday this week.

I'm so glad you're reading this! It's a favorite of mine!
I'm on book 3 right now, and trust me it just keeps getting better.
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